Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I know this sounds a little lecture-y, so sorry, but I don't have anything else to write about, and I think it's important...

I think there are 3 kinds of happiness.

First off there is the happiness that is a self satisfied, proud feeling of "I did good, I'm happy." This is the purest happiness. It can't be taught, it can't be sold, it can only be found for each person on their own. This is the kind of happiness we should strive for, because it's an honest happiness.

The second kind of happiness is that of putting others down in order to build yourself up to a mockery of the first type. When you make somebody else feel bad so that you feel better, it's wrong. Wrong because if everybody did it, everybody would have terrible swings from nearly suicidal to euphoric. Just don't do it!

The last kind of happiness is the worst. This is the happiness from chemicals. The people who do this do it because they are lazy. They are cheating their way through life. They can't go out and find happiness, so they go get high, or drunk, or whatever, and pretend that they can be happy too. This is giving up, and I personally would rather die than lie to myself about being happy.

Just food for thought. ^^

I'll have something new tomorrow... maybe more sagely wisdom... who knows? xD


1 comment:

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